THE GOALThe goal in this game is to build Atoms by finding electrons and attaching them to the interstellar Nuclei. You accomplish this task by flying around and blasting various sorts of space debris while collecting powerups and avoiding hazards.
GATHERING ELECTRONS & BUILDING ATOMSElectrons and other Powerups are found by blowing up the space debris. Whenever you blow up an Asteroid, Crystal, Blob, etc. there is a chance that it will leave something behind for you. If it leaves an Electron behind, all you have to do to pick it up is fly over it. It will automatically start trailing behind you, and you can continue to gather electrons which will add to the trail: Ship with 3 gathered Electrons trailing it
You need to take these Electrons to the Nucleus in order to form the Atom. The Nucleus can be located by following the Nucleus homing beacon:
Follow the green arrow to the nucleus
To give an Electron to the Nucleus simply fly the ship over the Nucleus: The ship is giving its electron to the blue & purple nucleus
The Atom will be complete when the Nucleus has been given all of the required electrons. The number of electrons needed is indicated by the atomic weight of the element we are trying to build. On the first level, we are trying to build Hydrogen which only requires 1 electron, but later when you get to the Nitrogen level for example you will need 7 electrons:
BLACK HOLESWhen you complete an atom it collapses into a singularity and forms a dangerous black hole: These black holes suck in everything around them, including you! You should always steer clear of them.
POWERUPSPowerups appear when you blow up space debris, but there are also special Powerup Pods that will give you a whole stash of random powerups: Here is the list of all the powerups and what they do:
©2012 Pangea Software, Inc.